When I installed Win 10 one of the options under the custom install was to not use the computer to export updates. I am going to try and find this option, if it still exists, hopefully later today. One of windows tricks is to reverse some of your settings!

My music computer is off line except when needed for updates. When I do update something I also update Defender, Ccleaner and Anti-maywarebytes. I disable my Ethernet card and immediately run those programs. I have shut off Win 10 Pro updates also. I will update Win 10 when I need to update Win 10!

I also disable Defender. Win 10 insists that it be one so I have to disable it again in a day or two. What a PITA!

I just posted a selfie and all of the responses were get well soon!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware