Thanks so much for responding, Charlie and Jim...

I'm not real savvy on samplers, so that was the reason for the query. But I'm glad to hear that the new 2017 BIAB has something that may be helpful. It's actually a lot of extra work to make these samples, not knowing how they will sound. But this tankdrum my son-in-law plays sounds beautiful... it just isn't quite in tune and the bell-like quality of the sounds can vary a great deal in volume as well as pitch.

I appreciate the mention of the TX16WX sampler, Jim. I've already downloaded it and have started to read about it, but not actually use it, yet. There are a few others that I've downloaded that I want to read about, too, before I get too involved in one of them.

I also appreciate the mention of the Melodyne program, Charlie. I got a limited version for free when I bought the Tracktion DAW software, but never used much. Now I may have my chance!

Thanks again, for your help. I'll try to let you know how it turns out. Might be awhile, though, as the learning curve is a little steep for an old man like me! lol


Last edited by James Francisco; 12/11/16 08:02 PM.

BIAB 2020 with Reaper 6, on an AMD 8 core CPU, 16GB RAM, 240 GB SSD and 1 TB HD. Retired and trying to make some serious music, before Arthur Ritis spoils the fun.