Thanks Mario, they were all good troubleshooting questions.

Thought of a few of these myself, and with a couple of adjectives that can't be printed on a family forum. wink

The cable has USB1 on one end and USB2 on another as did the replacements.

Funny that the two short cables that didn't work between the USB hub and the toaster work on other USB 1->2 devices that I have.

I also tried swapping two toasters from two computers, so that tends to eliminate the device. Having the same identical defect crop up on two units at the same time is an extremely remote possibility.

In addition, I used more than one HD in the toaster slots to eliminate that. I even reformatted an old smaller drive in the other toaster/computer first (quick format).

Static buildup is not a problem in humid Florida, but corroded connections are, thus the use of both DeoxIT Red and DeoxIT Gold.

Note: DeoxIT Red is the best connection cleaner I've ever found and using DeoxIT Gold after cleaning keeps the connection from oxidizing for a longer time.

So I'm thinking design defect? Perhaps improper tolerances in the jack, compensated by the plug? A tiny bit can mean a lot. This is grasping for straws I know. Since it is working now, I think this will be filed in the troubleshooter's report as "Came clear while testing".


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks