Why do I play music? I have to play music. Why do I have to play music?
  • I'm addicted to it
  • It gives me great pleasure / it's my bliss
  • It's my creative outlet
  • It has been my only way to introduce myself to members of the opposite sex, and it ended up having me meet the very best woman in the world, who is currently my wife of 38 years
  • It is my job, it puts food on the table, it paid off the mortgage, bought cars, boats, vacations, and so on
  • It is my gift and I need to use it

Take your pick of any or all of the above.

When I was a little child, my favorite toys were the ones that made music. I played melodies by ear on those toy pianos, 'xylophones' and so on. And on the toy piano that didn't have the 'black keys' (they were painted on the white ones), I learned which white key to start the song on.

I played plastic recorder, drums and then saxophone in school, and every year that I was eligible, I became first sax in the all-state band. As a tenor sax player, that is an accomplishment, because by default it goes to an alto player.

In junior high school I got in this little rock and roll band (drums, bass, two guitars and me on sax). We were terrible, but everybody was back in those days.

We got hired for a junior high school dance. There I was on the stage with my best friends playing the popular music of the day that we liked so much and worked so hard to learn, and I looked out over the audience and that cute girl who didn't acknowledge my existence was 'making eyes' at me. And if that wasn't enough (and it was) they actually paid me money at the end of the night.

I knew that is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Now I'm past the age where many folks retire, and I have no plans to retire. I've added bass, guitar, flute, wind synthesizer, keyboard synthesizer, and vocals to the sax and drums to the fix, and as long as I can fog a mirror, I'll be playing music. As long as I can get a gig, I'll be gigging.

So after all that, I guess the answer is being a music is not what I do. Being a musician is what I am.

Sorry if that's TMI.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks