Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
Then for NYE I was in a very loud classic rock band and I was still a star based on a few screaming Jon Lord type B3 solos I did. Literally it was the drunker they got the bigger the star I became.Bob

Ha...hope you reveled in that glory. smile

Me...I mysteriously acquired an addictive propensity for song writing right after my USMC picnic. (I'd been playing drums since high school so music was in my future)
Probably some neuronal aberration on my part.
Music/song writing is still in my blood, has never waned (pun unintentional) and has remained a creative therapy process as I approach my 70th year on Orb Earth....end of story.

Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 01/03/17 01:34 PM.