BIG + one on this

There have been a number of reasons why I don't post more in the showcase. My favourite style of music to write in currently is pop-country. I don't hear much of that here; and didn't know the reception it would get based off of comments in other threads. It turns out, it's all fine and good wink I will be posting some thing in the next few months.

Probably a bigger part of me not posting is I write every working day for my job. I'm not burned out by it, but this usually would take a back seat for now.

I really don't consider myself as much of a musician as a writer/producer. I have very methodical ways of writing and am always looking to improve on that. I primarily look for commercial appeal, but completely appreciate and delve into the artistic side as well.

Go for it buddy that was real good I would say more...but that's a privilege for those that can ...