Another busy day chasing this problem – but finally had some success!

Following Mike’s suggestion, I found that by setting the piano to local off, and also setting BIAB to local off, there are no stuck notes in the recording, and the recording plays back OK. The fly in the ointment was that I was not able to hear the piano itself playing (because of local off), and for some reason was not able to get BIAB to output the piano sound in real time (either by MS Wavetable, Coyote, or Pianoteq). So the experiment succeeded (no stuck notes), but I had to play without real-time sound. Perhaps I goofed somehow in setting things up, I will go back and review this later. I don’t have a pressing need to resolve this question because a better solution popped up.

Since I had reinstalled BIAB yesterday, I had to go through the process of re-integrating it with Pianoteq. This involves using software called Jbridge, which smooths things out between the 32 bit BIAB and the 64 bit Pianoteq. I noticed when I got it working that when BIAB calls up the Pianoteq window, there is a small Jbridge icon on it, which I don’t remember seeing before. When I clicked on the icon, up came a window that had some choices. One of them said allow asynchronous operation. I chose that, and it seems to have solved my problem. With piano set to local (so I can hear it), I ran a good stress test – thousands of notes at high speed, no stuck notes.

Live and learn.

Again, thanks for the help.
