Originally Posted By: MarioD
Originally Posted By: Valenter
Well, I also intended to plug my keyboard and guitar into it, didn't mention that before. Plus I need the live compression and EQ.

I would forget the mixer and get a good audio interface. The mixer only has stereo outputs while an audio interface can have many. The biggest difference is that with an audio interface each instrument has it's own track. So if you make a mistake say on the keyboard you can go into that track, punch in and out, then re-record just that section. Also you can isolate each track for different effects. Some audio interfaces have compression and EQ built in so you can use them if you wish. I don't record like that as I use the effects in my DAW. That way if I don't like the effect that I used I can just delete it, change its settings or replace it. You can't do that if the effect is recorded into the audio by the mixer.

There are many different interfaces to choose from. I use a Roland. Focusrite is a popular one. Just be sure to pick one with enough inputs. You will need at least a 4 input one. Make sure what you get has a good mic preamp, most do, a high Z input for your guitar and a MIDI input and output for your keyboard. If you are going to use the sounds from your keyboard you will also need 2 line inputs. But think about how many instruments will you be recording simultaneously. If just one or two at a time then a two audio/line/guitar input with MIDI in and out would work.

You will find an audio interface will offer you more that a mixer.

Thanks, guess I'll look into audio interfaces some more, you said there are some with EQ and comp built in, do you mind naming a few?