clickety click: Forget about the Banjo (© Artspurg SABAM 2015)

If you like a show, 'n music is your goal, a band is a magical thing
If you like a show, 'n music is your goal, a band is a magical thing
I got me a music stand, a guitar for about a grand
What you need for the show, someone to play the banjo

I thought me of a caper, an ad in the paper, to audition for a musical band
I thought me of a caper, an ad in the paper, to audition for a musical band
Bass, the fiddle and the mandolin, they were quickly coming in
What I need for the show, someone to play the banjo

And so i got me real busy, my ears even dizzy, with banjos coming in
And so i got me real busy, my ears even dizzy, with banjos coming in
All with an ego of a Royal King, loosing time, couldn't tune the thing,
I told them so, now you go, you cannot play the banjo

When asked for advice, my friends were very wise, 'n gave my their opinion
When asked for advice, my friends were very wise, 'n gave my their opinion
For a musical band we see, a banjo brings no decency
Let's face so, it must go, forget about the banjo

My friends and relations, full of expectations, they waited for so long
My friends and relations, full of expectations, they waited for so long
With a party soon at hand, telling me "we need a band"
Let's face it so, let it go, forget about the banjo

PS the chord progression is partly from the pre-post WW2 calypsonian songbattle common ground ...