Well, thanks, that did it! You all made me now sell off my 1921 Clifford Essex old-time banjo ...

Actually there' a story behind it. Being involved in a session band we had a nice summer's open air gig in a touristic park in Amsterdam. 2 rehearsals planned, and on the second one halfways through the banjo player packed and went unexpectedly. Frustrated? Who knows ... Called a friend who's a great dobro player and without more rehearsing we did the gig, and even a follow-up gig came out of this all.

On the way home i was listening to an old Folkways record with political calysos, and all of a sudden this song popped up in my head ...

BTW, Joe, halfways through you got your expectations rewarded, some realtrack was thrown in at the last minute, couldn't be bothered enough to "hire" a live banjoist ... F