Great production - superb sounding mix and performance.
Strong lyrically and musically. Excellent guitar parts.
Really well done.


Hey Guitarhacker, This is brilliant! I really enjoyed the progression. The Vocals have a nice tonality to them too! Well done! smile

Peter and Joe..... Thank you both for listening and commenting. David has been a friend of mine for several years now. We're both members of the Nashville Songwriters Association Raleigh NC chapter. We've been half-heartedly discussing the idea of writing together for much of that time. Recently, we renewed that interest and I asked Dave to send me something. He sent an idea a few days later in outline form with a partial verse. I let it set for a few days before starting on it. The rest of this was a quick write. We bounced it around, edited, changed things, and this was the result.

Glad you like it.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.