Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker

What do you think THIS songwriter's forum is for?

Sure, we can share thoughts and ideas on writing better songs as we have been doing, but why not use it more fully as a place to find collaborators as well.

Just title your post accordingly: Collab needed on country song.... etc... I'm sure interested people will jump in to work with you.

I also like the idea of PM's to the specific people you may wish to work with. But if you're not sure who might be best suited to help or have the interest or time, posting it up in this forum would be the thing to do.

I think we should keep the User Showcase for "finished" songs as it has been designed. Besides, this is one of the USer Showcase rules:
Please limit the threads on this forum to the User Showcase postings. Off-topic threads will be moved to the off-topic forum
As I see it, a request for a collaborator would be "off-topic" in the Showcase. Yes?

By using the Songwriting forum we keep the partial songs and posts regarding collaborations in here and out of the Showcase. I'd hate to see the Showcase start getting cluttered up with other things besides the finished songs that are being "Showcased" there. There's no problem with posting here asking for help on a project and even posting the unfinished song idea here so people can hear what you're try to do and what they are signing on to assist you with.

Well thought out and presented.

I agree.


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