Originally Posted By: Steve Young
Hi Noel! I have been in and out of the forum (mostly out) since the middle of December, due to some health issues. I almost missed this wonderful song of yours. I'm so glad I noticed it today. This is probably my favorite of yours so far. I really like the piano. As you know, I am a big user of the Realtracks with BIAB. But piano is one instrument I will go to midi for pretty often. There are some great, realistic piano samples out there. And as you pointed out, you can carve out space for the bass (which you did nicely on this one).

As has been stated frequently on this thread, this was a good way to start the year. You have set the bar pretty high for you to build on for this year. Looking forward to see how high you will go. You are certainly capable.


Hey Steve,

It's always great to see you. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope that healing is progressing well for you.

Although I've used midi piano before, this was the first time that I took time to adjust individual note velocities and pedal events. I was incredibly impressed with the control that midi allows. I will definitely be playing around more with midi now that I've been inducted!

Regarding the Texan tripthongs, if every you get the chance to hear a really broad Australian accent, you'll probably be amazed at how many vowel sounds can be squashed into a single syllable! It's quite impressive really smile

Thanks for taking time to listen and I thank you, too, for the comments. I appreciate it.

May your road be travelling a little smoother now,

Audiophile BIAB 2024