The name of the band is Vic Ferrari.

They are by NO means a national band.

They are a COVER band. They don't "tour" because, they don't have original music from what I know. They play almost exclusively covers...I'm trying to think if I have ever heard an original by them, and don't think I have. They plan some trips where they are the band that plays, and "party with their fans." They travel within a six hour drive AT MOST (I believe), except for their trips. The majority of their bookings are within the state. Most of that NOT in big cities!

They don't have radio play.

They do sell some merchandise, but I wouldn't guess it to be that much.

Most of their bookings are for village/town/city festival type of work.

It's HOW they go about doing what they do that makes them that amount of money. I could explain further, but think it's a disservice to the thread.

It's also the type of conversation I prefer to have via an actual conversation verses typing it here for the world to disagree with. If anyone is really THAT interested in what they do, PM me with your number and I will walk you through it. It's not complicated, but it is brilliant. So not to be TOO vague, I will say they get a cut of EVERYTHING they are involved with.

Also, to be clear, that's not 100k per player per month! I don't think anyone was thinking that, but don't want to wonder if I'm misunderstood.

I only posted this to show it IS possible to make money playing in bands. Most people don't make much, but don't do what it takes to make it they tell themselves it can't be done. That's a narrow view of the world.

Last edited by HearToLearn; 03/15/17 06:06 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.