I have old videos around here somewhere (already digitized) .. to be honest I'm pretty sure I have some from the 70's on, but school concerts would not be anything I'd want to post (even though I 'nailed' that 8th grade solo!)

I'll look around and see if I can participate, silly as it may be, this could be fun. I'll try to find something from the same era. I think I have some from around then that show myself, a drummer and a singer .. and we three actually worked together on some new tracks together last week (and the week before, and the week before).
Long lasting friendships are a good thing; plus we are so much better 20 years later!

Found one ..
It's pretty compressed and obviously recorded by the drummer's wife <grin>, but hey it's old and (maybe) fun. A couple of our 'originals'. (may take a moment to download)

I'm the guy on the left originally playing guitar and talking with Barry off mic, and then my area (keyboards and me) is cut out a lot, but hey, nostalgia.
Man, the camera audio was bad back then.

/dangit, now I want to go find the other videos from that era, just to make sure I know where the originals (or copies) are ..
//this particular video is from a benefit show, for what's it's worth
/// the coolest part is I am lucky enough to still be jamming/writing with these friends from 20-40 years ago (get off my lawn)

One more oldie
again our originals ..

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome