Hi, there, "Charlie Fogle"...

I think the term "country" in "country music" is a misnomer. Let's put the word "truth" in front of the word "music", and then we'll be closer to describing what we're getting when we listen to it...

Mr. Fogle, from the opening verse of "Every Time" and all the way through to the end, a series of images connected to some universally experienced feelings rolls right on by our ears like a big, battered and road-dusted rig carrying a heavy cargo of painful memories. And if I didn't know the song was a product of BIAB, I'd ask you who your "sidemen" were. Your chord changes reflect the bitter taste of your lyrics.

Your singing voice has that quality of long-accepted sadness that sounds quite authentic to me, which makes it all the more easier to understand why forum member “HearToLearn” commented:

“I literally thought to myself, ‘How awful to have that happen to such a great guy! Then I remembered this was just a song!”

I’m hearin’ him loud n’ clear! “Every Time” is like a monologue of wistful recollections set to music.

I’d put another quarter in that jukebox, anytime…

LOREN (a.k.a. “bluage”)

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".