Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Good from start to finish! Great vocal, and love the instrumentation you chose.
Is that you playing the tasty fills on the lead guitar? You didn't mention anything in the song description, but it seems too song specific to be something BIAB could generate.

Either way, sounds great, enjoyed the listen!

Thanks Dave,

I didn't play on this one (didn't want to mess it up)
Appreciate your kind words

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
A super, big WOW on this one, Kenny!

I always enjoy listening to your songs. This may be the best yet!

Excellent write. Lyrically and melodically. You have a great sense of melody! Such "singable" songs.

Excellent band choice and arrangement... and excellent mix.

This is an "artist song". An entire album of these should be a million seller.



Thank you fj,

compliments just don't get better than these,
I am so appreciative and humbled
because you are a pro sir