Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
If someone has good demos with breath controllers, please post them.
Coincidentally I did share a song into the Showcase forum that contains a pretty good usage of an EWI (electric wind instrument). It's not done by myself, but I think (despite perhaps not the greatest sound source used, since I had to use something on my end after being sent the performance in midi) it illustrates quite well what such a thing is capable of if you know how to utilise its potentials. Just the trills and slurs would be beyond anything I could possibly produce from a keyboard.
Since this was longer ago than I even realised, the direct sc link is HERE.

Oh, and for Joanne: One thing you need to be aware of, as has been mentioned in another comment, is the "characteristics" of the instrument you're attempting to emulate. And the one thing that broke the "illusion" for me was in the overextended phrases - Sax players breathe! wink

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