Originally Posted By: 90 dB

The best thing you could do at this stage is read. You can spend a ton of money on stuff you don't really need.

BIAB/Realband is a self-contained production suite.

You may find that all you really need is an interface and a decent mic. Save your money for plugins! grin

Indeed. Research and ask questions from the folks who have the gear you're thinking about buying. Nothing wrong with wanting something, but don't make the mistake of buying crap gear. Get the good stuff if you can afford it.

In my case, I spent a couple thousand to get started. A new dedicated computer, the software for it, the monitors, a good condenser mic, and the interface. I sold my mixers when I figured out that I didn't need them and used the money to buy,..... as Bob suggested..... plugins.

The only thing that really reveals that you're looking at a music studio is the Yamaha keyboard and the guitar amp on the stand.

Do your research and make an informed buying decision. Buy good gear not the flashy "does 5 different things" gizmo stuff. ( it slices, it dices, it puree's and feeds your dog too)

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.