Originally Posted By: Robertkc

....My only thought was on the length; the third verse rounds out the song on an upbeat note, but makes it a little long for tv?


Good point that I overlooked. TV might spend 30 seconds on a "long scene".... but I have seen where they spend 60 seconds if it's really dramatic such as a sad scene. I don't watch the show you're pitching too, but I can imagine the breakup scene is dramatic and sad and could easily be 60 seconds or perhaps slightly more.

They will edit the song to fit, so run time isn't as critical as it would be for an artist radio placement. Still, 3 minutes is a better length. Be sure to give them good, clean edit points.

Also, a really good idea is to have an instrumental version ready to go. Lots of times they will just want the music to play with no vocals. Having it ready shows you're on top of the details. Having a long version, a shorter version, an instrumental version and a few cue cuts would be excellent.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
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