Originally Posted By: musiclover
Best of luck Eddie, hope it all works out great.

We have thought about getting a travel home in the past, not an expensive one mind you.

One of the things that has put us slightly off( as I'm not a DIY mechanic sort of person) I just got the impression that its better knowing a bit and being able to fix the engine or other stuiff yourself should something go wrong.

Or does it really matter?


I'll say, "being handy with tools and having mechanical skill is a huge benefit for any RVer." One of my RV friends is usually quite frustrated by his lack of handyman skills. Always asking for my help. I was an auto tech for 23 years and now fix motorcycles by trade. I can fix most things around the house and RV. Even electrical stuff. I'm just blessed with a knack. So, I'd say yes it matters. But, if you have lots of money, which I don't, then you have the equalizer.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?