Here are the lyrics... pretty simple really. Nothing earth shatteringly original about this one LOL
The Real Me

I want you to know how I feel
See for yourself that it’s real
I want you to ask me ask me why
Then dry the tears from your eyes

Cause its real its real its real
It’s the real me that you see
And I won’t I won’t I won’t change my mind
Cause you wouldn’t change for me

And this river rolls on ‘til its gone gone gone
Time now to carry on
Well you broke my back that’s a fact
But I never stay broken for long

You tested my strength
Drove me to the brink
Wasn’t written in stone only ink

Cause its real its real its real
It’s the real me that you see
And I won’t I won’t I won’t change my mind
Cause you wouldn’t change for me

Cause it’s real it’s real it’s real
It’s the real me that you see
Cause it’s real it’s real it’s real
It’s the real me that you see

Guitars and dogs are a lot alike. You can't have too many of them.