Thanks, Andrew. If you could bear with me one more time, here's what I did, and the results (didn't work). If you can tell me what I'm doing wrong, that may be the easiest way for me to understand.

I am playing "Ballad for Gloria" Bossa Melodist #136 that came as a demo with my 2008.5 version (beautiful little piece). It has 36 bars with melody arranged as three choruses. If I play it as is, it repeats three times, each time with a melody, as it should.

I now set my curser on bar #1, press F5, and in the upper window I select chorus #1 and in the volume window along the left, I select Mute in the melody window. I hit OK. I press F5 again, verify that chorus #1 is still set to Mute, then select chorus #2 in the upper window, and in the melody window I select Back to Normal. I hit OK, then F5 just to verify that chorus #1 has volume set to mute and chorus #2 has volume set to back to normal. I do nothing with chorus #3. I hit OK again.

If I have this right, this should not play the melody on chorus #1, but should play it on choruses #2 and #3.

I play it but it mutes the melody on all three choruses. What did I do wrong?