Thanks, Noel. The lyrics aren't mine, but they are amazing. Among my favorite lines..

Every once in a while
I find myself afraid
I’ll fall for you too hard
But I realize it’s probably way too late
To put myself on guard
(I'm just whistling past the graveyard)

I'll take some small credit for the feel, but Dusty nails the vocals, and his three part harmony on the final verse just takes it to another place altogether.

Really is magical when it all comes together. Glad ya'll enjoyed it!

Originally Posted By: Noel96

I enjoyed this. Some great lyric rhymes there! I also liked the feel of the groove. I found it very engaging from start to finish.


DC Ron
BiaB Audiophile
Presonus Studio One
StudioCat DAW dual screen
Presonus Faderport 16
Too many guitars (is that a thing?)