Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Hi Alan! I was just thinking of you and Di the other day, remembering the visit we shared at your home! I know you've been through some rough times since then, but I hope you are doing well at present.

Regarding this song: I like the way you applied the hook to various situations in the main character's life. The sound you've achieved here is hard to fit neatly into a genre cubbyhole, but I can imagine hearing it at the kind of music festival where country, americana and bluegrass are all played. I'm going to call it Americana.

Good hearing from you again, and I hope you keep writing songs. You also write books, don't you? I remember thinking that you are a man of many talents!

Hi Pat!

Di and I were just discussing you, too! First we often talk about what a great time we had on your visit. It was a real pleasure having you.

Di's health continues to be a major issue. But we deal with the best we can. I'm doing fine. I've had four scans since my chemo and all have come back negative.

Maybe Americana is, indeed, the best niche for this one. Bob and I gave this a little thought before we actually put it yo paper and guitar strings. We wanted to capture the sadness of how we lose loved ones in various ways throughout the cycle of our lives. We tried several slower, more somber backing tracks, but as we mentioned earlier to another reviewer, it sounded like a dirj rather than a "real" song. So, we decided to use the more spirited backing track as the metaphor that there are upbeat happenings to offset the loss and create more positive experiences. We hope the listener might catch that.

Thanks again. A big smile crossed our faces when we saw you had come on and commented on a few songs.

And yes, I write novels. i have two on Amazon at the moment. I'll have another one coming out next month and one more by year's end. Music and writing are very cathartic

Wishing you the very best.

Alan & Di

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