Originally Posted By: Notes Norton

Even country music doesn't have the guitar solos that it used to have.

But that's not because the guitar has become yesterday's accordion. And again, that point that there are no good solos in country music could be argued as I can easily point out a bunch, and I mean a bunch, of really good country guitar solos on songs.

Nashville execs are responsible for starting the whole thing about "no one wants to hear guitar solos anymore" because time is money and time is limited on radio. So as a result, solo's, the good solo's got cut down to a simple 4 bar solo/turnaround. But go and check out those bands and artists in concert where radio rules don't apply, and be prepared to have your jaw dropped. Some of the hottest guitar players are working in country music bands.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.