Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Hi Scott!

One of the things I do when I listen to songs here on the showcase is to see if they are easily pigeon-holed into a genre. This is one that doesn't fit neatly into any of my pre-conceived groups. That basically means I see it as being original.

Having said that, I'd have to add that (in my opinion) instrumentals are among the hardest kind of song to write. They typically end up sounding more like a jam session because they lack a true melody. You dodged that bullet by playing a melodic line on your guitar.

But I still can't squish the song into a cubbyhole. If you had to assign it to a genre... what would you say? And why whould you pick that genre over another? Enquiring minds want to know...

Hi Pat thanks so much for checking out the song. I do enjoy reading your posts on the songs on the forum. You have a very cool insight regarding the songs you comment on.

A few years ago I had posted a song called Winters Chill and was very nervous as to how it was going to be received. The music I purchase and listen to is not very close to the music I create. When I start a song I have no idea what is going to be when finished. After I had finished a few songs I came up with the conclusion that my music was "Elevator music". Floyd very kindly commented that he did not think it was Elevator music more like chilling music. One forum member say it was New Age Music. I did not know what that was and had to look it up.

I think it maybe my love for pretty much all genres of music is where some of my melodies come from and how the genre lines get blurred. After the back track is finished following the rhythm of the drums and the bass lines they seem to pop out.

Scott Collingwood