Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Imagine a young child stomping his feet on the playground saying "NO FAIR! THEY GOT ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE ON ONE TEAM!"...ok, that's an impressive line-up of talent going into this song. And go figure, it's a great song!

Now for what I felt was excited to share. Sometimes things line up in ways you couldn't explain...

My family and I were at my parents house to get together for a family reunion. Several of my cousins were there that I haven't seen in 10-30 years! It was truly a blessed time for me.

There was a gentleman there that I had met before, but was too young to remember. He sort of remembered me, but it had been so long. He wasn't a relative, which is a long story. Anyway, it was his 85th birthday! He was truly fascinating to talk to. He spoke for a while about his ancestors and tracing his lineage.

He was proud to tell me a few stories of his great-grandfather fighting in the civil war. He was speaking of what it must have been like at that time. He was so amazed by how that must have been. I mentioned to him I didn't know it was his birthday but may have an impromptu present for him.

I played this song for him! Timing! How does it work out SO well at times?

He read the lyrics and listen to the song several times. He was enthralled with it. He asked where I got it and how old it was. He was completely surprised to hear it was something recent as it seemed to capture to much of the feeling of that time. He knew it wasn't from then obviously, but said it feels like it could be.

So...you made an 85 year old's birthday!

On a personal note, I loved the song as well! There is just something to it. I could start thinking about it and figure out all the "why's" but I want to sit out on this one, and just enjoy it for being a great song.

Thanks for the share and the ability to share it!

Wow, thank you for sharing that! It reminds me of conversations that I often have with Janice's 96 year old mother.
All we can say is that his reaction alone makes the whole production worth while. We are touched and deeply appreciative. If you get a chance please tell him how much it meant to us. And you could mention that my g-g-grandfather died on a battlefield only 18 miles from our home.

Thanks again!!