Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Janice, Bud, and Kenny, you've delivered a real winner here. This song has got absolutely everything.

The rhythm section is keeping everything held together perfectly, lot's of drive, and all embraced in a superb set of lyrics delivered with Janice's usual perfection.

Thank you!


Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Hello, Kenny, Janice & Bud

Very nice collaboration!
Very happy tune.
Wonderful Vocal.
As Dave said, Janice's vocal performance also reminds me a little of Linda Ronstadt, very pure with great tone as usual.
Electric Vintage Piano is very effective.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Shigeki, Linda Ronstadt is one of my favorite singers. I'm honored to be mentioned in the same sentence.

Thank you!


Originally Posted By: Sergio Guarneri

Really nice. Excellent sound and chords line.
A great touch is Janice vocal.

Excellent guitar too


Thanks Sergio. It's always nice to hear from you!
