Originally Posted By: Scott C
Very cool tone on the tele. You sure have that dialed in. Super vocal and backtrack

Hey, Scott. Glad you liked the song.

My Tele setup is dirt simple:

- Bridge pickup: full volume, tone down a bit from full (10% down)
- Single (no repeats) short slapback echo: note and echo about the same volume
- Compression: heavy and obvious, with lots of sustain (not max)
- No reverb, except what the master mix adds.
- D'Addario Jazz-Rock (EXP115) string set with an added nine on top makes playing steel licks a snap to execute: 9,11,14,28,38,49 (throw out the 3rd string 18 that comes with the set)
Your fingers will thank you.

You can hear the pick sounds at the beginning of the song, which sort of indicate the high level of compression. Give it a shot if you like/or need that kind of tone.

Thanks for listening,