Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
What a tune! Very catchy, and arrangement is top notch. I love the vocal delivery in this too - it's gruff, but smooth at the same time somehow. I could totally imagine this on the radio.

You should be proud of this, gruverider! Thanks so much for sharing smile
Thank you for the kind remarks Deryk. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted By: Yorkshireknight
You know what I really like the way this song has been put together, the composition is top notch and the vocals are as Deryk put it 'smoooooth' a good voice man and great backings. I think the fade is right for the song too.thanks for sharing.Paul

Thank you Paul. Yes the fade at the end was a last minute thing. It just felt right.

Originally Posted By: rsdean

Great song! Love the vocal - some of your best production work as well. I really enjoyed this.


Thank you Bob. I've begun to experiment with mid-side eq on different aux busses.
Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Cool song, Lawrence. Good write.

Nice arrangement/production. Nice use of the various guitars. The solos are especially well done. The drums have a great sound to them (how did you process them? - nice thump and snap).

Goes without saying that the vocal is engaging...


Thank you Floyd. I couldn't get the pop I was looking for. Going back and forth with mix levels. And then I stood up above the level of my monitors to have a change of perception. In a moment of clarity, for some reason the idea of mid-side eq suddenly made sense. I separated the tracks to three different buses and applied different eq to the middle and sides of each buss. I'm still just fiddling around but it made an immediate difference. Do you use mid-side eq? I'd have to guess you do.