Guys, thanks for all the responses, and Pipeline, thanks for the "always" tip. That helps a lot. For some curious reason, however, while it does maintain the highlighted style's place, it's always a page down from the current screen, so I have to scroll down to get to it. I wouldn't really call this a "feature," would you? More like a little glitch that needs some massaging.

As I mentioned in my opening post, I will browse through styles, looking for one or more that fit well with the chord progression I'm working on. And when I've gotten, say, 10 or 15 pages deep into the listings, having the highlight stay put is a huge time saver. I've been collecting styles since 2002 so I have a LOT. I've been using BiaB since the WIn98 days, but for some reason I don't have any of those earlier styles in my stylepicker listings. Actually I think I might still have them, but for some reason the stylepicker isn't listing them. Maybe they're no longer compatible or something?

Yes, I'll often audition a style just by double-clicking on it. And if I like the way it sounds, I'll apply it to my tune. But even though it might sound great during its demo, it won't always sound right when being adjusted for my chord progression. So, being able to browse efficiently is a huge benefit. And as I mentioned above, it just seems to be a no-brainer to me that this should be the default situation in the stylepicker. Not "sometimes." Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I don't think I can emphasize strongly enough just how important it is to me to be able to quickly navigate through my styles with the Stylepicker. Sometimes the discoveries I make are quite profound. Just a couple days ago, I ran across a style, that when applied to a progression I was working on, totally changed the feel of the piece in a dramatic way. And I ended up adjusting the chord progression to compliment this style. Result? A new piece of music! Just that fast. So, yeah, you just never can tell what's lurking in that list. And being able to comb through it easily is a big advantage. So yeah, I'm gonna make heavy use of the "always" setting. Just wish the highlight would land on the current page, but I can at least live with the way it works now.

Last edited by cooltouch; 08/03/17 09:52 AM.