Hey Lawrence,
I really liked Summer Chaser. It's very well constructed, in every aspect. Your voice has a lot of personality, and that I think is the best compliment one can give to a singer (the tone of your voice reminds me a little bit of Joe Walsh). Production wise the song is also very, very well done. If I may give you a suggestion, you may want to reconsider the balance between the voice and the music, maybe the voice is a tiny bit too prominent in relation to the music, or too "present". Maybe it's a matter of loudness, or tone, or reverb, or a combination, not sure. Maybe I would try to decrease the vocals' loudness a tiny bit, and add a tiny bit of reverb. Very very little, not sure. Also consider that I'm listening on headphones, so maybe the impression on speakers would be different. I know that nowadayas in many productions the vocals are very, very prominent ... I'm old school, where the music and vocals were more "balanced", so to speak. So, it's also a matter of taste :-)
Great job!

Last edited by Jon Thomas; 08/10/17 03:11 AM.