Originally Posted By: Jon Thomas
Hey Lawrence,
I really liked Summer Chaser. It's very well constructed, in every aspect. Your voice has a lot of personality, and that I think is the best compliment one can give to a singer (the tone of your voice reminds me a little bit of Joe Walsh). Production wise the song is also very, very well done. If I may give you a suggestion, you may want to reconsider the balance between the voice and the music, maybe the voice is a tiny bit too prominent in relation to the music, or too "present". Maybe it's a matter of loudness, or tone, or reverb, or a combination, not sure. Maybe I would try to decrease the vocals' loudness a tiny bit, and add a tiny bit of reverb. Very very little, not sure. Also consider that I'm listening on headphones, so maybe the impression on speakers would be different. I know that nowadayas in many productions the vocals are very, very prominent ... I'm old school, where the music and vocals were more "balanced", so to speak. So, it's also a matter of taste :-)
Great job!
Jon, thank you for taking time to comment and give me feedback. For sure some of the songs I've listened to as reference are vocal centric and truth is I've probably remixed the song a half dozen times since I uploaded it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.