"I have not been able to get it to work."

What's not working ?

You can use WinOnX, the Drums folder needs to be on the home drive and you need WMP.

You can just get the Mac Biab.app doing a crossgrade and use your Win RealTracks/Drums if you have wav files, you can decompress the wma with Decompress.exe or Decompress.zip.

To get the Holds to work, rename the 2 Library to LibraryM
then create a symbolic link in Windows "Library" in the same folder that connects to LibraryM (bb\RealTracks\Library & bb\RealTracks\Direct Input\Library)

When using the drive on Win you need to keep the drive as the same letter E: F: G:.. as the symlink points the current drive letter.
If not correct right click Computer > Manage > Disk Management > Change Drive Letter.


Last edited by Pipeline; 08/13/17 03:27 PM.