Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Bob !:))

This must be one of the absolute
best productions on the site
at least during the time I´ve
been around ! It is absolutely
perfect and everything works so
fine that I can´t but congratulate you
to this wonderful production !

If I´m not mistaken you do use
the Harmony Singer doing in
the background ? I have that
gadget too but have not been able
to use it´s full potential yet !


Hi Dani, that's quite a compliment. I'm pleased you like the song. I normally do my own harmonies when I have time, but it's hard, time-consuming work. So when I discovered the TC Helicon VL3X I was overjoyed. The harmonies are believable and relatively easy to generate with the VL3X. For more info visit the TC Helicon website:


I've had TC Helicon harmony products for nearly 20 years but the latest generation is just amazing.

Thanks for listening,