Originally Posted By: RnAM
This sounds so authentic, but really! It also sounds like a real bluegrass band. This is top-notch work with BIAB.
It's also great to see you guys involved in such a great and healthy hobby too ;-)


Thanks guys...we do our best to have fun!

Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hey Guys!

I was gonna drop in for a listen last night, well - early this morning a 2:00 but my Internet was out just got it back half an hour ago. Si I'm here as Di is in bed resting, trying to recuperate from too much time at the hospital and doctor's office yesterday.

This is cool ... and a little bit more! I know it;'s been said several times before but this really does sound like the real thing. It was like standing on the ground, watching a damned good BG band on stage at the county fair. The attention to detail shouts out in this arrangement and mix.

You were true to the craft6 and the genre. Without knowing otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to think this was all done electronically. As you know, I think, I write novels. As such, I turn reality into fiction. You turn fiction (sorta) into reality.

You guys deserve so much credit for this marvelous offering. And on top of that, I'll give a shoutout to Dr. Gammons and the fine folks at PG music. Ther made a marvelous tool for us. But that tool, like that of a master mechanic's, is only as good as the craftsman.

You guys are at the pinnacle of your craft. There are folks who aspire to meet the highest standard. And there are those very few capable of setting the standard. I think you know which group you are in, even if you won't say so yourself.

Thanks for the smile on my ears!


Al, that is most kind. We love your fiction to reality analogy. And ditto to the PG Music shoutout....a marvelous tool indeed. One that more folks should be exploiting.

Thanks again for the wonderful comments. We are very appreciative.