Thanks to everyone. I'm replying to all at once because I don't want to come across as trying to up my stats or something. This song, I guess is autobiographical in a sense. My father was a groundhog saw miller, meaning he followed the timber to wherever. Each tract of timber meant a new home, a new school and new surroundings. I probably attended 20 different schools, So I guess I've been a gypsy all my life. Later, much later, My wife and I put down roots for several years in Western Ky. We always dreamed of going back to some of the places where I had worked, only without the twelve hour days/ seven days a week work schedules. When I finally retired in 2011, we bought a motorhome and set out. We are planning, right now to leave the day after Thanksgiving for a six month tour of the western states. I a having a hard time holding out that long. There is no song as loud as the song of the open road. Thank all of you for your comments. Most of you, I am sure, have spent some time on the road, most musicians do, but a lot of you have that same Gypsy longing In your blood. I salute each and every one of you.