Hi Donna

Welcome to the forum! Nice to see you here and nice to have one more female face. Well done on your first song! A very nice contribution.

You will find the community here very helpful. I have learned a huge amount from the folks here. People will generally comment on the performance and the production as well as the songwriting (where as on 50 90 people generally only comment on the songwriting).

As Floyd said, we do like to read the lyrics as we listen so posting those is always a good idea. Also, we all like to see what tracks you used in your production. (We are a nosy bunch). You can get those from Band-in-a-Box from the pressing the "Edit > song memo" button and from RealBand when you open your song.

Keep 'em coming.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files