I might check the VSTPluginList.INI file in your active Realband folder (using Notepad to see it). Compare it to a previous list and shown results .. maybe try rename/copy/paste from a previous version if one is known.

Does the list in this INI file match your list available in RB?

Seems strange they'd be gone, I'd try to do a mass fix in one pass by replacing the file, but can you at least re-add the desired plugin(s)? If you go to the Add VST section, can you relocate the dll and get that plugin working again?

If the BiaB basic plugins are missing, running the "pgdx_plug_2_0_0' executable file in your active folder should re-install them, but it sounds like your plugin list has become corrupted or missing to me.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome