Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn

I agree with Eddie about music being generational.

Wait... what...? We agree on something??? LOL!!

Yep! smile But I bet we don't agree on Eminem's latest rap! laugh

Damn it, I gotta agree with you again about Brian Wilson, The Beatles and others of that era. What they accomplished with primitive tools has never been exceeded in my opinion. But there are lots of things like that in my life.

For example, when I was a kid canned biscuits were truly not as good as what Mom made but nowadays they are easily as good or better! Same thing for guitars...when I was a kid the only thing I could afford was a trash guitar from Sears and nowadays I can get a Chinese instrument that sounds and plays as good as almost anything on the market! Cars are another example...when I was a kid a cheap car was truly a junker with guaranteed problems but nowadays I can buy a cheap car and it runs and lasts better than my dad's old Caddy did!

And so it is with music. As new tools come out producers use them as shortcuts but as the tools get better and the users get more experienced I feel the music gets even better. I remain very excited about where music is today and where it is going. Too bad I cannot seem to write anything but 70s rock and country styles!