
Sorry for your loss, but it's only temporary. This is exquisite.

Need more information!

"With the posts, please provide:

Link to the song (it is not hosted on our site, it is hosted on your site).
Title and background information about the song.
Indicate which tracks were recorded by you, and which tracks were generated by Band-in-a-Box or RealBand.
If Band-in-a-Box or RealBand have been used, please provide information as to which styles or RealTracks were used. (tip: In Band-in-a-Box, the Song Memo contains the names of the RealTracks used, and you can copy/paste from that.)
List other programs used in the production (Sonar, Cubase etc.)
Describe what effects were used in the production (reverb, auto-tune etc).
Please limit the threads on this forum to the User Showcase postings. Off-topic threads will be moved to the off-topic forum."

