I love shuffle styles---use a lot of them. But, speaking of "one way buttons", I wish I could keep the volume levels the same between style variations A and B. On many styles, when you go to B, the volume increases, making some instruments stand out too much for my tastes. I'd like an option to click that says all volumes stay the same throughout variations, or something like that. And, another thing---I wish there was a way to keep variation A of real drums the same when the other instruments move to variation B of the style. That may be weird, but I'd like to maintain variation "A" of drums thoughout on some styles. Another need (wish) for a one-button option. Another thing I've found from a lot of live playing with BIAB----you can't just set the instrument volumes for each song at particular levels and keep it there across many tunes. There's a lot of variation in loudness of the instruments across styles---bass in particular---when saved to the same volume levels. I have to fine-tune each song through careful listening to get the balances right. Guess there's no way around that; however, it does take a lot of time, but it's worth it.