err, just a second, you are cheating!!!
When I press the button to play the demo, I hear it too on my machine...
But the file is downloaded (or streamed) through internet.
Just when I then press "load song demo" I get the "not found" tag.

I have now "pressed the button" and started the clean-up.exe.
A lot of files have been checked (and nothing exploded in my computer!).
Unfortunately, nothing has changed and I still get the "not found" screen (aaargghh!). I will try again tomorrow after a reboot of the computer.

Now, the scoop! I have rebuilt the song list (takes ages for 15.000 files!) and see there, when I search for "-UrbFlk+" there is a hit! And I can then load it! The file description, within the song list, tells me that the file would stay within the drums-demo file. But actually it is not there!! It becomes darker and darker!