Lost Soul

A very lonely person lost in his or her own mind.

This is really an exercise in me learning a new DAW. After years with Cakewalk learning Studio One 3 is challenging. I needed to know how SO3 worked with BiaB, live recording and MIDI. So far so good, I think.

BiaB style = Very Slow EV.8 Rock. I deleted the bass and guitar tracks.

I am playing the flute via my wind controller and I am playing the rhythm guitar and fretless bass.

Ps - BiaB drag n drop is a snap with SO3 and that makes me very happy!

You know you're getting old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a hot date!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware