
I am going through styles sequentially looking for something specific and marking them as Fav for future random use in live jams. They all must have a guitar part so I first step down the styles list until I find a guitar. However I have to play the style against a test song before I can choose to mark it as Fav or not. I am looking for guitar styles in (swing, bossa/latin, fusion, etc) that always land at least on beat #1 or on every beat. These are to serve the purpose of replacing a cowbell as a click track because I can not isolate the cowbell in the soloist track completely to the right channel and also I want a guitar so I can get the chords (like a super click track). The good news is I am managing to find excellent styles for this purpose.

Here is the problem:
When I find a potential candidate I click okay to hear it in the test song I am using. This of course closes down the style picker screen. Regardless of whether I have to go back and mark it as "Fav" or not when I go back to continue where I left off I am taken back to the very start of the styles every time. To deal with this I am having to use a yellow sticky to mark my place just before I click okay on a potential candidate to test. Not only that when I get down past the first screen's worth of these I have to mark on the sticky the number of screens I have to step down before I get back to my place.

It would be nice to have a checkbox that takes me back to my place so the very first style showing at the top of the screen is the last one I clicked okay to. Maybe it would be better to have it as a bottom half button option.


P.S. This is a feature worth paying for. It is too bad you do not have a way to notify wishlist posters their request has been put in. As an example while using BIAB 2012 I asked for a metronome count in when the drums is muted. Later I bought BIAB 2016 for other reasons. I discovered by chance that this feature had been put into BIAB 2016 and I was using it for a long time before I accidentally stumbled on it.

Last edited by bowlesj; 01/08/18 08:03 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: