Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
My role is this big production plays only a small part but it was lots of fun contributing. I consider myself and Bud very lucky to have the opportunity to join in on this and other floyd jane songs. The fun singing harmony is felt all over again reading all of the wonderful comments about the song. I really don’t take being invited in for granted!


I consider it a huge enhancement - any time your are along for the ride!!

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
You know you're on a forum of really good songwriters when the best lines are acknowledged in the first page of comments! I loved the lines referenced above, and all the other ones as well!!! Super write....such a creative idea for a song...fresh but so easy to relate to! The chorus melody really soars nicely, and the mix and vocal are excellent, as usual. Another real gem Floyd!! Take care. Greg

Greg - coming from a guy who works words the way you do, that is a huge compliment... thanks!

Originally Posted By: rsdean
Hey Floyd,

Love this... it is as truly as good as it gets. Tremendous song, mix and vocal.


Bob - you are another guy who know his way around a lyric - so I appreciate that..