This is probably the most racially diverse post we’ve ever had!

Let’s see; Tiger Woods, who is Afro-
American/Asian, gets his a** kicked by his Swedish wife, (or as the lady in the video called her, “big Viking bi**h”), model/nanny who worked for Jesper Parnevik, who is a Swedish golfer.

And then he drives his Cadillac through a fire hydrant made in China and crashes into a Dutch Elm tree.

And it’s all because of an American sl*t that Tiger screwed in Australia!

All while he was taking pain killers made in Canada!

Are we living in a global community or what?


All of this is in jest, in case Tiger, the Swedish wife, Chinese fire hydrant manufacturers, Dutch Elm tree seeders, Canadian drug makers, or kangaroo farmers in Austalia want to sue me. It's just a joke! Hehe.


Last edited by bobcflatpicker; 12/01/09 04:12 AM.