Originally Posted By: Al-David

That intro was ear catching - great way to pull us in from the very beginning. This is so danged good in so danged many ways. As always, a great lyric. And your productions and performance are top shelf.

Great song - great production - great delivery!


Appreciate all of that, Alan...

Originally Posted By: PeterF

A huge sound, some wonderful singing and a rocking arrangement. A song writing lesson!
Great work all round.


Thanks, Peter, for those very nice words...

Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Floyd !:))

You keep on amazing us
with one super tune after
another - all absolutely
marvelous and you know
it ain´t easy to pick out
a winner among those, but
this might just be the
best of´em for the moment !!!


You are always most kind, Dani...