Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Well done!!! (Loved the effects on the chorus, too. Very Beatles.)

What were those effects???

Hi, David.

Glad to hear from you!

There are three tracks of me on harmony on the chorus, hard panned left/right/center. There's a leap down from an F to a D on "better man", but the timing is a bit off between the takes, and I sort of slide into the cadence. Between that and a lack of pitch correction, I think that's the "effect" you're hearing. wink

I do have some effects on the harmony group, but nothing special. There's some generic background vocals EQ from Neutron Elements, and then the "Drum Room" reverb from EZMix because it seemed to sit in the mix the best.

At the prechorus, there's a "Phone with Slap Delay" effect from EZMix where I widened the notch filter quite a bit, and panning the vocal. The word "wrong" is repeated by putting it on separate tracks with a "Phone with Reverb" from EZMix, hard panning it and lowering the volume to get an echo effect. But that's really quiet - I'm not even sure it's audible over the drums.

Thanks for asking! Did I answer the question?

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?